
LiveO2 Oxygen Therapy

What is LiveO2 Oxygen Therapy? 

LiveO2 Oxygen Therapy is an effective, non-invasive, and low risk way of delivering oxygen deep into your tissue. One of the biggest causes of chronic health problems is decreased oxygen delivery to our cells. Oxygen can also act as an anti-infective therapeutic for chronic infections such as Lyme disease.

LiveO2 vs. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Currently, the most common method for increasing oxygen levels into tissue is hyperbaric oxygen therapy where passive pressure increases oxygen levels into tissue. For chronic diseases, hyperbaric is generally expensive, time consuming, and results can be short lasting. A major reason for the limited success is that the high oxygen levels trigger vessels to constrict because the body sees sufficient amounts of oxygen levels in the blood stream. LiveO2 Oxygen Therapy is able to bypass this process by providing short bouts of low oxygen. This stimulates blood vessels to open so oxygen can be better delivered to the body when breathing high concentration oxygen. This simple process allows for a less expensive, safer, quicker, and generally more effective way of increasing oxygen levels deep into body tissues.

LiveO2 Protocol

LiveO2 Oxygen Therapy works in as little as 15 minutes. The patient breathes high concentration oxygen through a mask while on an exercise bike and oxygen levels are monitored. Once the patient has achieved high oxygen levels at their target heart rate, low oxygen can be administered for 30-60 seconds to stimulate vasodilation. When the high oxygen is turned back on, greater oxygen is delivered to the tissue due to the combination of vasodilation, high concentration oxygen, and increased heart rate.

LiveO2 Effects

Generally, patients feel more mental clarity and energy after treatments. It is possible to experience “detox” or “die-off” symptoms however. One effect that sometimes happens with chronic disease patients is a slight fever after treatment. The current theory is that this is due to the immune system reacting with latent infections that were newly seen by immune cells due to the increased circulatory effects of treatment.

Measuring Progress

One of the ways to determine progress with LiveO2 is determining “Vessel Age” through analyzing pulse wave velocity. Often we find that patients have an older Vessel Age than their actual age. For instance, you could be 50 years old however have a Vessel Age of 65 years old. The use of LiveO2 typically quickly improves Vessel Age. We generally recommend continuing until you reach a Vessel Age of 10 years below your actual age to ensure you are getting adequate oxygen delivery to your cells to maintain your health and help prevent chronic disease.


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